SHIFT Coaching
SHIFT Coaching Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument, or a sport, or a new dance step, or a new pedagogical approach? Did you learn it alone? How long did that take? Do you think it would have been slower and more difficult, or easier and faster, if you had had someone to learn it with? Someone to plan with, someone to bounce ideas back and forth with, someone to try with, celebrate with, fail with, reflect with, and move forward with? As SHIFT coaches, one of our main goals is to collaborate with people who would like the opportunity to SHIFT their practice, and innovate. Innovation, as we define it here in Halton, is “an improvement to a product, process or understanding.” So whether it is innovating a learning process - like flipped lessons or writers’ workshop, an understanding of something - like inquiry-based learning or mastery-based assessment, or a product - such as a communication tool used to better connect us with the ...