Summer Sign Off
Well Shifters, it has been a great semester! Since starting this blog in February of this year, we have had so much fun learning about what teachers are doing in their classes and talking about what they hope to do next. We hope that we did a little to inspire you to think differently about what you teach and how you teach and that you got excited to take some risks. Working on this project forced us to learn a lot, and most of that learning was driven through trial and error. Jamie used a Mac for the first time. Matt built several rigs to help us with our sound recording. We learned how to blog, edit video, talk on camera and listen to ideas. We made lots of mistakes that hopefully nobody noticed. Although, to quote Marisa Cavataio when we visited her Productions Class at Nelson High School, “The most important thing you will do in this class is make mistakes”. Our mistakes bore fruit! We just recently passed 10,000 v...